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PromoGuinée, as part of its mission to pursue a better future for the youth in Guinea through education, is delighted to be a partner with the NGO REGISSM – Réseau Guinéen pour l’Inclusion Sociale des Personnes Sourdes et Malentendantes – that works with the hard of hearing and deaf people to offer 168 academic kits […]
Continue ReadingPromoGuinée is happy to announce that we offered six new scholarships in high school to these brilliant kids who come from underprivileged backgrounds. This year we will have 17 scholarship recipients: 6 in 11th grade, 6 in 12th grade and 6 in the 13th grade. Additionally, 8 girls in Middle School will be receive scholarships […]
Continue ReadingWe are happy to announce that all five of our senior scholarship recipients in High School this year have graduated. They are the class that was began their high school journey with PromoGuinée in 2018. Unfortunately this group was struck with the devastating news of the loss of Fanta Kébé due to a sickness (may […]
Continue ReadingPromoGuinée, in accordance with our strategic goals, recently partnered with other organizations and institutions like NSIA Banque to help a young woman in dire need: Mariama Oury Diallo. She is a physically disabled person from birth and has always been dependent on others like her parents to achieve basic functions like eating, getting out of […]
Continue ReadingStarting in December 2020, PromoGuinée continuing to work on its mission of pursuing a better future for the youth, decided to sponsor Alpha Barry, a child who comes from a disadvantaged and underprivileged background. In addition the social challenges that his family deals with, Alpha has developmental and learning disabilities that require him to be […]
Continue ReadingIn December 2020, PromoGuinée in colaboration with The Circle of Educational and Scientific Animation of the Department of Sociology of the University Lansana Conté of Sonfonya (Le Cercle d’Animation Pédagogique et Scientifique du Département de Sociologie – CAPS-DS) donated school supplies to elementary school kids in the village of Yindi, Maferinyah in the region of […]
Continue ReadingPromoGuinée offered six new scholarships in high school to these brilliant kids who come from underprivileged backgrounds. This year we will have 17 scholarship recipients: 6 in 11th grade, 6 in 12th grade and 5 in the 13th grade.
Continue ReadingPromoGuinée in colaboration with The Circle of Educational and Scientific Animation of the Department of Sociology of the University Lansana Conté of Sonfonya (Le Cercle d’Animation Pédagogique et Scientifique du Département de Sociologie – CAPS-DS) donated hygienic and sanitary materials to several police stations and detention centers in the commune of Ratoma which is one […]
Continue ReadingOn June 1st, 2020 PromoGuinée distributed tablets to our sponsored students to enable them to continue attending school remotely. The Covid-19 Disease has disrupted the entire world. As a result, students in Guinea have been particularly affected given that extreme poverty is still ubiquitous in the country. Despite all these challenges, schools and teachers have […]
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P.O. Box: 1910
Conakry, Republic of Guinea
Phone: (+224) 628-820-820
(+224) 620-718-661
1207 Baker Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21207, US
Phone: (+1) 240-565-1598
(+1) 347-369-3570
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